Benedict Roff-Marsh has announced its SynthStudio Packs and PreRoll Recorder are now available as freeware.

Benedict Roff-Marsh SynthStudio Packs

The time has finally come. I have had a great run with SSP but the time has come for it to cease being payware and to go free. For the next wile I will still hold SSP & PRR on my site and they can be downloaded free – with the hope some will buy some of my music or show their appreciation in some other way.

I really want to thank all the people who have supported the SSP not only in purchasing and using but in promotions and generally adding to the Pack. I value each and every one of you and it is with some tugging of the heartstrings that I make this move.

Please enjoy (or continue to enjoy) SSP I + II + II + IV + PRR

The SynthStudio Packs include various VST instrument and effect plug-ins for Windows PC.

More information: Benedict Roff-Marsh