Flux Bitter Sweet

Flux has released Bitter Sweet, a free dynamic processor to manage audio transients.

From fluxhome.com:

Turning the central button on the sweet side, decreases the transients amplitude. On the bitter side, the transients amplitude is magnified. Bitter-Sweet also features a control for the signal to be processed. When the main position is engaged, the process affects the stereo signal. If Center is engaged, only the M signal of the internal MS matrix is processed. If stereo is selected, only the S signal from the MS matrix is processed. As all Flux:: plug-ins it features 64 bit floating point processing, up to 8 channels and up to 8 FS (384 KHz). Center and Stereo Mode are only available in stereo (2 channels) processing.

So okay, I probably don’t know how to measure this effect properly but I can’t hear (or see) any difference between bitter and sweet.

Have a try and tell me what I’m doing wrong! You’ll have to register (free) with Flux to download Bitter Sweet.

Visit Flux for more information.