Le Lotus Bleu has released Inspired By Jupiter 8, a soundset for the Oxium software synthesizer by XILS-lab.

IB Jupiter 8 soundbank is inspired by the Roland Jupiter 8 factory library. Its aim is to recreate “as close as possible ” on Xils-Lab Oxium synthesizer all the presets of this library.

The base of this work was as follows:

I made the presets on Oxium trying to match the closest as possible the 60+ original JP8 audio clips that everyone can find on Synthmania.com. As a consequence, I made 60+ A/B audio clips, where you can directly compare the Jupiter 8 and Oxium, as you can hear below.

I played – the best I could- the same music parts, so that the comparison could be the most possibly easy, and neutral. All Oxium presets were tuned by ear, however, I observed some general guidelines found in the Synthmania site preset book.

There are some structural differences between the JP8 and Oxium. Certain presets could not be recreated in a proper way.

The soundset costs 9.90 EUR.