Les Productions Zvon Baby Piano

Les Productions Zvon has released the Baby Piano, a sample library featuring a Chinese Toy Piano.

I found it at a flea market and it obviously has seen better days. There are 2 keys missing, its casing is worn out and there are loose parts in it. The sound is not even from one key to another partly because the mechanism of some keys is damaged and it’s also not in tune.

It’s nonetheless lovely and its sound begged to be sampled. I did not stop there and I also created 15 unique resynthesized sounds from the original samples.

The Baby Piano free set contains all the acoustic samples (2 programs) and 4 of the resynthesized sounds for a total of 6 programs and 5 sounds (38 MB). It is available to download as donationware in Soundfont and Kontakt 3 formats.

A Baby Piano standard version with 3 more programs for the acoustic samples and 7 more resynthesized sounds for a total of 17 programs and 12 sounds (86.3 MB) is available when donating $2 USD or more, and those who donate at least $10 USD will receive also receive Baby Bells, an extra set with 4 more sounds resynthesized from the Baby Piano and 9 programs (123 MB). These “bell” sounds are characterized by long decays of up to 15 seconds.

More information: Les Productions Zvon / Baby Piano