Mutagene lipredemuco

Mutagene has released version 0.20 of lipredemuco, a filter effect plugin for Mac.

Similar in some respects to the original mWarped Linear Prediction filter. The filter has 4 inputs and 4 outputs. In modes 1 & 2 (“code td” and “code fd”), it transmits side information on output channels 3&4. In modes 4 & 5 (“decode td” and “decode fd”) it process input channels 3&4 to “reconstruct” channels 1&2. In mode 3 (“code+decode”) only channels 1&2 are used and no side information is passed or processed.

The plugin is not attempting to be a codec simulation and transparent coding/decoding is likely impossible. I’m not sure how far the plugin will be developed.

The plug-in is currently available to download for Mac OS X only (32-bit VST).

More information: Mutagene