Freeverb3_VST Impulser2

Teru Kamogashira has released version 2.0.7 of Freeverb3_vst, a freeware reverb VST effect plug-in.

Freeverb3 is a sound processing library which includes sampling rate scaling enabled version of freeverb with some fixes, extended implemantation of N Reverb by CCRMA, implementation of impulse response convolution reverb, FIR filter constructor, band splitter and compressor. This library’s oversampling feature will provide high quality of audio processing. Freeverb3_vst is a VST plugin version of the freeverb3 library.

Changes in Freeverb3_vst v2.0.7

  • The clear() of FloatVector missing bug was fixed.
  • Chunk Ceiling parameter load bug was fixed.
  • MuteWet Button was added.
  • GUI setChunk load bugs were fixed.
  • Many minor bugs were fixed.
  • DSP transport was changed and clear missing bug was fixed.

Freeverb3 (and Freeverb3_vst) is available under the GPL license.

Visit Freeverb3 @ SourceForge for more information.