Amaranth Audio has released version 1.6 of its Cycle spectral vertex synthesizer instrument for Windows and Mac.

Cycle was designed to excel in two frontiers: timbral complexity and timbral variation with time.
Cycle is ideal for modelling real instruments, for designing the most challenging tones, and for giving a distinctive sound to your music.
Changes in Cycle v1.6
- New Reference Samples tutorial.
- Improved pitch tracking on samples.
- Folder navigation features in Preset Browser.
- Deformer feature: random phase offset.
- “About” window.
- 18 new presets.
- Fixed when an envelope had a component deformer curve, it’s gain was unsaved.
- Fixed Windows 0xc0000142 error on AMD CPUs.
- Fixed after loading reference sample, the phase spectrogram was sometimes blank.
- Fixed case when loading a new sample while one playing back could cause crash.
- Preset/sample browser now shows displays files of all supported sample formats (wav, ogg, flac, aif[f]).
- Fixed inaccuracies for low pitches with Swipe pitch-tracking algorithm.
- Pitch envelope visualization is more accurate in waveform surface.
- Audio samples at different sample-rates now play back properly.
Cycle for Windows and Mac (VST/AU/Standalone) is available for purchase for $149 USD.
More information: Amaranth Audio / Cycle