Blortblort has announced a new sound pack for the Heartbeat virtual drum instrument by Softube.

Pack of Flames features a collection of 32 kits for the flexible and tweakable drum synth.

Blortblort Pack of Flames for Heartbeat

These are NOT your “bread and butter” type kits. They are a tad crispy and there has been more than a small amount of compressor abuse involved. perhaps a deserved nod to Mick Harris/Scorn here ;)

Check out the videos AND the free “Bank o’ Phun” (“flames” has completely different content… but is built around the same disregard for rules and conformity!)

Not for everyone, but you will know who you are ;]

The pack costs $20 USD. Through March 29th, 2019, you can use coupon liftnshift at checkout to get 40% discount on the collection.

More information: Blortblort