Detunized has announced the release of a sample library featuring the sound of chromatically tuned wine glasses.

For this latest Detunized project more than 80 wine glasses where collected on flea markets and junk shops. After carefully separating the wheat form the chaff instrument maker Sergey Karamyshev ended up with 39 glasses that got tuned by filling each one with a certain amount of water. This way a lovely sounding instrument with a range of 3 octaves (D3 to E6) came up. It has a lively timbre and produces rich sounds with strong overtone content.

For Glass Harp library the complete instrument got sampled both in stereo and close-miked mono, each time with a legato and a staccato pass. For the sake of an even more realistic feel an additional release sound layer was edited.

Glass Harp is available to purchase in Live Pack and Universal formats for 9 EUR.

More information: Detunized