downSouthside music has announced the release of out.of.the.Blue, a soundset for the Diva virtual analog synthesizer plug-in by u-he.

We are very proud and excited to introduce our very first commercial soundset! We chose u-he Diva for its amazing sound and flexibility. All three styles from the promos are included in the 80 presets. We also have a FREE 12-preset sampler for download.

out.of.the.Blue features

  • 80 original presets for the u-he Diva software-based synthesizer (
  • Each preset optimized for lowest CPU usage and created with multi-threading disabled.
  • Each preset created entirely from scratch, contains no tweaked variations of existing patches.
  • Includes the patches for ALL three genres high-lighted in the YouTube/Soundcloud promos.
  • Most patches make interesting use of the modulation wheel (MW).
  • Special limited-time 50% discount for early supporters.

The soundset is available to purchase for the introductory price of $9.95 USD until June 30th, 2013 (50% off regular).