K-Devices has launched another limited time flash sale in celebration of its 10 year anniversary.

We’re currently celebrating the first 10 years birthday of K-Devices with an exclusive series of FLASH SALES as a way of showing you guys our gratitude for your support throughout the time!

The second deal is currently on: our most recent Max For Live devices and all of our iOS apps are on discount!

The offer includes the Modulators 21 bundle of 7 Max For Live devices conceived to shine a new light on the power of modulation, and the Hexo deep and complete tool to create, sketch, and/or variate your harmonic, melodic, and beating contents.

The products are on sale for only 19 EUR each until November 2nd, 2022. Apps for iOS are available starting from 1.99 USD during the promotion.

More information: K-Devices