KVR Audio has posted the entries for its Developer Challenge 2009, a contest for anyone who develops audio plug-ins or applications (i.e. a “developer”).
The challenge is to create and release a brand new free audio plug-in or audio application that will benefit the community at large.
Creativity is key, it can be as simple or as complex as you want – KVR members will vote on the entries and pick the eventual winner.
Anyone can make a donation via PayPal, the prize fund will be distributed to the eventual winners.
Developer Challenge 2009 entries
- amphetamine by easytoolz (by NEK-X), a 6-Oscillator Synth-Module.
- Anawave (by Lithium), a hybrid analogue/wavetable synth.
- Antopya (by L-Day), mainly made for Ambient sounds and FX.
- Armchair Guitarist (by Minouris), a VST plugin for providing MIDI input from one of the numerous console guitar controllers currently on the market.
- Barberpole Tuner (by Christian Budde), a simple visual tuner based on interference.
- Black Ops (by gpunk), a FSU effect in the most FSU kinda way.
- dimensional vector spider (by afdarhus), a midi transmitting vector sequencer.
- Drum Synze (by Longsoft), a VST-Remake of the ’70s Drum Synce boxes.
- dschlon_nzElektrik (by Michael Benjamin), a monophonic, arpeggiated and overall freely modelled virtual synthesizer.
- Eigenmode (by eigentone), an audio file viewer, player, and format convertor by Eigentone Research.
- EQUINOX (by IIRs), a multiband compressor / limiter which uses dynamic equalisation instead of a traditional cross-over network.
- Explor3r (by thelowerrhythm), a three oscillator monosynth with channel-dedicated amplitude envelopes, lowpass filters and LFOs, all glued together with a matrix that allows both phase modulation and sync inputs on each oscillator to be fed by the output of any other oscillator (including itself).
- FerricTDS (by bootsie), a Tape Dynamics Simulator inspired by the smooth dynamic shaping capabilities of some high-end reel-to-reel tape recorders
- FMMF (by de la Mancha), a 4 operator FM (Frequency Modulation) synthesizer in VST plug-in format for Windows based hosts.
- Harsh Digital Nose (by insertpizhere), plays two images (very poorly) as oscillator waveforms.
- HybridReverb2 (by c.borss), a convolution-based reverberation effect which combines the superior sound quality of a convolution reverb with the tuning capability of a feedback delay network.
- In-Kult (by mickygemma), a synth with: three oscillators, two filters, two assignable LFOs, two assignable envolvent,64 presets, chorus, phaser, delay… and more.
- JBM Jagular (by jobromedia), a hybrid synth consisting of many different synthesis methodes packed into one bundle.
- Lisarock (by seibel1), a ( vst/au ) guitar amp simulator effect plugin.
- massTURBOtar (by LpD), a hybrid synthesizer with unique morphing capabilities.
- Metatron (by Jack R), a unique arp-synth with a gated modulation sequencer, versatile graphical envelopes and several modulation options, making it a perfect for creeping basslines, rhythmic techno leads, spacey gated pads and other creative arpeggiated sequences.
- Midi LFO (by gertius), an open source project using the JUCE library. It provides a user tweakable Midi LFO, which sends a selectable ControlChange Message (CC) with LFO modulated values to a selectable Midi output.
- MoarF VSTi (by __F__), continuously generates and morphs sound states.
- NCL Phase EQ (by matt42), a high quality 6 band EQ that allows simultaneous Left/Right and Mid/Side Processing.
- New Blend (by xoxos), algorithmic music generator (an ‘in the works’ port of forthcoming breathcube, algorithmic song generator).
- PanCake (by Jakob / CableGuys), an innovative VST plugin that allows you to create flexible pan modulations.
- Phase Shifter (by Astralp), phasing effect which emulates four tape decks and many more features such as time stretching, filters & FX.
- Phonics/Attack Entrancer (by nix808), a synth you might use to make not the rarest sounds, but usable ones.
- Piezo Drum Pad Pack (by FrettedSynth), designed to be used with a piezo type drum pad plugged directly into your soundcard. Turns the audio input into a MIDI signal usable by any drum VST\I or triggers an internal .wav player.
- pk_hui (by discodaniel), with pk_hui, a KORG padKONTROL can double as a precise control surface for your DAW.
- Prodigious Synthesizer (by synthescience), a Mono/Poly instrument based in the architechture of a famous synthesiser from the past, complemented with a few more charachteristics from other well known machines, all combined into a single powerfull yet balanced, performance oriented instrument.
- RA Mowg (by Chris Roberson), a Minimoog Model D clone created by Roberson Audio.
- sg-grainbot (by synthgeek), an experimental synth based on granular synthesis and mathematically generated noise.
- SpectroBits (by g200kg), a “Spectrogram” based Synthesizer.
- Stolon (by novaflash)
- SynekDC (by duncanparsons), a simple FM synthesiser which uses a single algorithm and routing configuration to produce a variety of sounds.
- The Marcus Johnson Collection (by sunahura), a synthesizer, sample player, synth drum instrument made for inspiration, you can layer sounds by controlling the outputs and really come up with some good stuff.
- Transistorhead (by sonicase), a single oscillator synth with phase patterns, filters, modulation and tape delay effects.
- Twin Engined Verb (by daz.diamond), two independent stereo echo and reverb units with enhancer and filtering to create a wide variety of spaces ranging from up-close and personal to well, erm … beyond – out there – other.
- unicycle (by spacedad), polyphonic/mono sample-based synth using 8bit fourcycle waveforms instead of an oscillator,there are 300 to choose from.
- _02.circles (by rl), an experiment in UI Design for VST plugins.
The sumbitted entries are now available to download. Voting will begin on Monday 2 November, 2009.
More information: KVR Audio / Developer Challenge 2009