MidiKarval VB3 Controller

MidiKarval has released VB3 Controller, a midi processor for controlling SoundFonts.it’s VB3 synth.

VB3 Controller features

  • Controller: control the VB3’s five drawbar sets (upper manual A and B sets, lower manual A and B sets, and pedals) from a single set of nine physical drawbars (sliders or knobs) using a midi controller keyboard.
  • Inverted Keys: on the original tonewheel organ that VB3 emulates, the bottom octave notes have reverse color keys (“inverted keys”) that call up preset sounds. VB3 and separately VB3 Controller mimics this use of note keys to provide the player with presets.
  • Alternative Presets: provide 6 banks (2 banks in the demo version) of 18 presets each (9 for the upper manual drawbars and 9 for the lower manual drawbars). Each preset can be called up by pressing one of the keys (C# to A keys) of your midi keyboard(s) “inverted octave” and shows the relevant drawbar positions on VB3, plus you can also temporarily change these preset drawbar settings. (The bottom C key is cancel sound or mute).
  • Split Mode: reserve the bottom two octaves of your 5 octaves midi keyboard(s) for playing the VB3 pedalboard.
  • Programs Section: store your favourite VB3 Controller’s settings in one of the 10 re-namable programs for future use.

VB3 Controller is available as a VST instrument for Windows PC and costs 10 EUR. A fully functional demo is available for download (15 minute limit per session).

Visit MidiKarval for more information.