Mildon has recently released its Strummer 3 plugin for Windows as freeware.

Strummer 3 is the 7th strumming plug-in I’ve released since 2008 in a list that includes Milk Guitar and Lemonstrum.

It is the first to sport a native-code engine, which made chord detection a lot better. It became the basis for more advanced versions such as S6 and S7. Now it’s back with a few tweaks and a reworked GUI. Also, now it’s free.

Strummer 3 is available to download for Windows (VST). A SF2 Guitar Pack costs $3.99 USD.

Mildon has also updated its Exciter, Grader, and Spreader plugins.

Mildon Exciter Grader Spreader

No mix will be complete without the trifecta of Exciter, Grader, and Spreader, now overhauled with a new theme and some optimizations.

They’ve become the “go-to” plugins for many users, and they’re back to save the day for more people. Give them a try, maybe you’ll love them too.