Odo Synths has released 38911 Bytes, a C64 (Commodore 64) based synth plug-in for Windows PC.

38911 Bytes features:

  • 1 OSC with 4 difftent waveforms Saw, Triangle, Pulse and Pitched noise.
  • 3 BPM sequencers with 7 rates and 2 to 8 steps.
  • Filter with envelope from 1 to 8 stages and 13 curves for selecting sustain points.
  • Filter types: lowpass, hipass and bandpass (more than one filter type can be activated, like on a real c64).
  • Pitch envelope from 1 to 8 stages + select sustain point.
  • PW envelope from 1 to 8 stages + select sustain point.
  • Filter, pitch envelope and PW envelopes have on/off buttons to save CPU.
  • 2 LFO’s with 19 different waveforms and free speed or 14 bpm speeds.
  • Ringmodulation with a bitcrusher notes from c to b and octaves from -4 to 4.
  • Volume envelope.
  • 128 presets.

38911 Bytes is available as donationware. The free demo version works but you can’t change the parameters.

Visit Odo Synths for more information and a link to download the demo version of 38911 Bytes.