Misha™ - Eventide Audio Instrument & Sequencer for Eurorack
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A New Way to Make Music

Misha™ is an innovative Eurorack instrument/sequencer that utilizes a unique, interval-based approach to playing and creating melodies. It’s designed to be played like a keyboard instrument and yet it makes music in a way unlike any instrument before it. In addition to playing it live, you can also record sequences that can be modified in a multitude of ways, allowing for new paths of spontaneous creativity. 

Loop Op: Eventide Misha
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Loop Op: Eventide Misha
Loop Op: Eventide Misha
Watch Loop Op review Misha, an entirely original improvisation and generative sequencing module.
Eventide Misha Overview
Eventide Misha Overview
Watch the overview of Eventide’s latest product, Misha, an interval-based Instrument & Sequencer for Eurorack.
Improvising in the Chromatic Scale with a Relative Interval Keyboard
Improvising in the Chromatic Scale with a Relative Interval Keyboard
Free download of the Midi note map is available.
 Electronisounds on Misha
Electronisounds on Misha
A Creative, Unique Midi and Eurorack Sequencer!
Introducing Eventide Misha
Introducing Eventide Misha
Get a first glimpse at Misha, an interval-based Instrument & Sequencer for Eurorack.
Reverb on Eventide Misha
Reverb on Eventide Misha
A Totally Unique Interval Sequencer
NAMM 22: Eventide - Misha
NAMM 22: Eventide – Misha
Applications of Eventide’s instrument and interval based sequencer.
Eventide Misha Keyboard Demo
Eventide Misha Keyboard Demo
RockoN Report at NAMM2022
Space Jazz on Eventide Misha
Space Jazz on Eventide Misha
A Eurorack sequencer with a unique concept.
Eventide Misha Sound Demo
Eventide Misha Sound Demo
Eventide Misha Sound Demo no talking at Superbooth 2022.
First look at Eventide Misha
First look at Eventide Misha
Misha was Eventides best kept secret – until now!
Misha as a Rythmic Sequencer
Misha as a Rythmic Sequencer
Using Eventide’s Misha Interval-based Eurorack module as a Rhythmic Sequencer
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A New Tool For Performing & Composing

Misha™ has a way of helping you discover new musical ideas, even ones you didn’t consciously create. The interval-based approach introduces a new perspective even for a trained musician, but offers the untrained a simple path to creating melodies. Create a simple melody or sequence, change the key and scale, and manipulate the pattern into a whole new creation! 

  • Tone Row Sequencer
  • 100 Scales
  • Presets
  • Compatibility 
  • MIDI and CV inputs 
  • USB and Keyboard Mapping 
  • Assignable Buttons
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"Misha stands out because it helps me get very unique, quick generative melodies that my other sequencers aren’t able to give me.”
Richard Devine
Electronic musician and sound designer
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  • An innovative 28hp Eurorack instrument/sequencer that utilizes a unique, interval-based approach to playing and creating melodies
  • Make sound three ways via MIDI, control voltage (with three independent gate/cv pairs), or outputting waveforms via the audio jack
  • External control templates for MIDI and QWERTY keyboards 
  • 100 factory scales and additional slots for up to 100 user/custom scales (Scala support)
  • Tone row based sequencer inspired by the classic compositional technique used in serial music
  • Comprehensive control of sequence playback to easily manipulate and expand upon your musical ideas
  • Create rhythmic variations using clock division    
  • Four user-assignable buttons
  • 18 user presets
  • CV inputs for external trigger/control sources 
  • Clock input for syncing to external sources. User-configurable PPQ settings
  • Audio output for internal oscillator
  • Polyphony via 3 CV outputs or MIDI
  • Micro-USB for easy firmware updates using Eventide Device Manager
  • Micro-SD card for saving/loading scales and settings


Pod32E Enclosure

Working with 4ms, Eventide is able to offer a low-cost, portable, compact enclosure that turns the Misha™ Eurorack module into a table-top instrument.

The POD32E is 32HP with 1.3″ (33mm) of available module depth. The built-in power supply has two power connectors and can be daisy-chained to other Pods.


“The only sequencer of its type in existence. Bravo.

Misha™ offers 100 unique scales; far more than you could name, from Blues to Raga and beyond. There are also two banks for user‑definable scales on top of this, so there’s no real limit to what you can do tonally.”

“A wonderfully different approach to creating melodies and progressions.

Misha™ is a jamming and experimentation dream. An incredible tool for experimenting and jamming, it forces different thinking and playing approaches that, while they can be learned, encourage a different type of creativity.”

“Misha™ [is] a great and rather inviting instrument.

Misha™ offers a radically different approach to playing melodies and excels at monophonic improvisations. You can soar through extensive arpeggios spread across several octaves using only three fingers.”

“The novel concept itself cannot be appreciated enough…

The Eventide Misha™ is a creativity-enhancing improvisation machine with a high fun and learning factor.”

“Combines real-time performance with classical composition techniques.

[Misha] contributes something very exciting to the world of sequencing and Eurorack in general, offering an inspiring approach to melodic sequencing.”

“Suitable for both at-home composing and live performance.

The Eventide Misha™ instrument applies an interval-based approach to melody-making, revealing spontaneous and surprising results for those eager to learn.”

“Misha is definitely worth a look.

Experimenting with intervals rather than the typical notes of a keyboard is an experience that feels decidedly new, full of happy accidents and curious discoveries… Whether you’re subsumed by music theory or completely resistant to it, Misha is definitely worth a look.”

“An incredibly powerful method of harmonic composition.

I was able to improvise a piano piece based on a pentatonic scale in no time, adding orchestral strings as a background to create a pensive mood that would have been difficult to achieve otherwise.”

“Intuitive and surprising.

Crafting melodies becomes a rewarding exploration where I’m basically forced to cede control, rather than a frustrating attempt to use my limited theory knowledge to turn ideas into reality. It is undeniably playful and creative.”

“Dare I say that Misha can be a growth experience.


  • Analog I/O
  • Control
  • MIDI
  • Physical
  • Power

Stereo Audio Out

Line Output

Side-chain Input

Side-chain Output

Link Input

Link Output

2 channels/stereo, DC coupled

Transformer-coupled, balanced XLR and TRS 1/4

Active balanced XLR and TRS 1/4

Active balanced XLR and TRS 1/4

Control voltage, TS 1/4

Control voltage, TS 1/4

Output CV

Input CV

-5V to +5V, 0 to 5V, 0V to +10V (configurable)

-5V to +5V, 0 to 5V, 0V to +10V (configurable)


Type A


3⁄4”(~19mm) deep

+12VDC/105mA, -12VDC/5mA