Radium Audio has released Radium 3. a music editor for Windows, Mac (beta) and Linux.

Radium 3

Radium is a music editor with a new type of interface.

  • Compared to the normal sequencer interface editing is quicker and more musical data fits on the screen.
  • Compared to trackers, note positions and effects are edited graphically, which should be quicker, provide more vertical space and give a better musically overview.

However, despite its unusual appearance, it’s a design goal for Radium to be straightforward to use, and easy to learn. It should not be harder to learn Radium than any tracker or most midi sequencers.

Changes in Radium 3

  • Smooth scrolling.
  • Enhanced graphics and user interface.
  • MIDI Sequencing.
  • Lots of bugs removed and features added.

Radium is available for purchase starting at 2 EUR/month. A fully functional demo is available for download (limited to two simultaneously running VST plugins, soundfile rendering disabled).

More information: Radium Audio