Rocksonics (Jeff Rippe) has released Subfilter II, an expanded version of the original SubFilter plug-in with a wider range of cutoff frequencies.

Subfilter II features

  • selectable cutoff slope of -12, -24 or -36dB/Octave
  • cutoff frequency variable from 10Hz to 1KHz

The filter is extremely useful for removing thumps, bumps and low frequency rumble noise from your audio. The passband is flat (Butterworth filter) and has unity gain. In addition to audio cleanup tasks, SubFilterII can be used with HyperFilter to create “am radio”, “megaphone” and other classic sounds.

SubFilterII is fully functional and has no timeout or other restrictions. For proper operation this plug-in must be used as an INSERT on channel, group or master outputs (the processor will produce no output when used as a SEND effect).

More information: Rocksonics