Plugin Boutique has announced a limited time promotion on a value bundle of two effect plugins by Solid State Logic.
Offered at a 90% discount, the bundle comprises the SSL DeEss sibilance reduction and high-frequency control plugin and SSL X-EQ 2 equalizer toolkit.
SSL DeEss is a workflow-oriented correctional tool for precision sibilance reduction and high-frequency control – used to reduce excess sibilance and harsh mid-high frequency build-ups such as the ‘ess’ and ‘shh’ sounds in vocal takes. Alongside workflow enhancements such as automatic auditioning and built-in brighten control for rejuvenating de-essed signals, DeEss uses a relative threshold algorithm: allowing you to change the input level of the signal without a destructive effect on the response of the de-esser. This also means that you can de-ess quiet sibilant events just as effectively as loud ones!
X-EQ 2 is a highly configurable 24-band EQ plug-in, featuring unique anti-cramping algorithms for an unparalleled open and transparent sound. It’s the ultimate EQ toolkit, with 17 different EQ types and filter shapes. Each band is switchable between bell, shelf, low pass or high pass filter types, with both classic and customisable shapes available for each band. It features brand new spatial processing options, band soloing, and the classic X-EQ ‘Parallel’ mode for recreating the characteristic sound of old parallel passive EQ circuits.
The bundle is on sale for $39.99 USD, while the plugins are also on offer individually for $24.99 USD each until January 28th, 2025.
More information: Solid State Logic