synthgeek sg-glitchgate

synthgeek has released sg-glitchgate, a free VST effect plug-in for Windows.

This is an experimental gating plugin- basically a rhythmic gate, but not set up in the standard way. There are two periodic gates which can be used for anything from regular rhythmic chopping to random rhythmic manipulations and strange dropouts. The gates are followed by a delay unit designed to enhance the glitchiness- it does not sync to tempo, and the delay time and gain can be randomized. There are 5 LFOs to add to the fun. A few presets are included to give you an idea of how things work.

The periodic sequence idea was largely inspired by stuff from xoxos, and uses his “regular” module to provide the pulses used in the gates. See

sg-glitchgate is available to download as a freeware VST effect plug-in for Windows PC.

More information: synthgeek