xoxos has released Hyperion, a semi-modular scaled algorithmic MIDI note generator suited for a wide range of applications.

Algorithmic generators can be used as performance tools, for the facile creation of sequences in composition, for accompaniment or inspiration.

xoxos Hyperion

Hyperion – The “Unidentified Flying Object” of the VST world.

Hyperion is designed primarily for melodic parts and capable of outputting three notes on three separate MIDI channels.

Hyperion features

  • Semi-modular architecture, each component can be driven by a selection of other components precedent to it in the modulation hierarchy.
  • Each component has a source that it counts, and a source that resets it, for instance a sequencer might count measures and be reset by MIDI NoteOn (‘gate’) events.
  • Structure your sequence in groups that can be modulated, ie. the 8th measure counts
    backwards etc.
  • Output is recallable, and translates between scales and tempos.
  • Output can be transposed using a MIDI keyboard and triggered with MIDI gate events, to
    function as a complex phrase arpeggiator.

A manual with detailed information is available for download.

Hyperion v1.0 is free if you’ve previously donated $33 USD or more. It can be purchased separately for $25 USD.

Visit xoxos for more information.