Raymond May Jr. MIDI Game of Life

Raymond May Jr. has released version 1.03b of the MIDI Game of Life, a sequencer made in the JAVA visual arts IDE and library Processing.

It runs a loop of varying lengths selected by the user through the game of life algorithm. Each cell of the grid represents a pitch. In the current implementation, like colors are the same pitch – cells’ octave can be scaled along the y axis. This is well suited for generating drum sequences or melodic material on the fly. The sequencer runs live and can be played as an instrument by drawing new cells while the game is running.

MIDI Game of Life is based on the original code by Ruin Wesen and makes use of their RWmidi JAVA/Processing library.

The MIDI Game of Life is available for Mac OSX as a free download. Beta builds for Windows and Linux are available here.

Visit Raymond May Jr. for more information. (Link via Synthtopia)