SampleScience has launched a 24-hour flash sale on a virtual instrument featuring 9 drum machine drum kits from the Soviet Union. 80s Soviet Drums for Windows and Mac is offered at a 50% discount.

These machines were manufactured in the 1980s, and most of them are sample-based. Since the sampling bit rate of these vintage beat boxes is very low, their sound is punchy and full of character!

A lot of work went into restoring and improving these sounds to make them usable for modern music production. That being said, they are still lo-fi and crunchy, which makes them the perfect candidates to cut through any mixes. It is as if they reside in a frequency range of their own!

Two out of the nine kits are from analog drum machines. The rest are from PCM-based machines. With 80s Soviet Drums, you can hear how the “Linn drums” of the Russians sounded!

Available in VST/VST3 and AU plugin formats, 80s Soviet Drums is on sale for $8 USD with discount code THEREDSLYNNDRUMS at the checkout (regular $20 USD).

More information: SampleScience / 80s Soviet Drums