Arovane has announced the release of the Pulse soundset, a collection of 64 presets for u-he’s Hive 2 wavetable synthesizer instrument.
The pack has a focus on pulses, modulation and moving sounds.
Bass/ sub bass pulses, pulsing modulated noises, subtle pads with pulsing elements. shimmering, digital, airy pads. pulsating, noisy fx structures. modulated fx. melodic arpeggios and pulses and crisp bell/ mallet sounds.
Pulse includes:
- 4 melodic, sequenced/arpeggiated sounds.
- 12 pulsating pads.
- 13 bass/sub bass pulses.
- 23 rhythmic fx/noise structures.
- 1 bass sound.
- 6 pulsating lead/pluck sounds.
- 2 bell/mallet sounds.
- 3 synth/lead sounds.
The soundset costs 19 EUR.
More information: Arovane