Polyend has introduced the Tracker, rebooting the retro form factor of software past with forward-looking functionality as the world’s first hardware tracker.

The standalone audio workstation takes the quintessential characteristics of a classic tracker and cleverly combines them with a newly-designed input interface.

Famed for bringing new technologies to creative musicians by building innovative and unique musical instruments, Polyend is proud to announce availability of Tracker — effectively extracting the best bits of yesteryear’s tricky tracker software classics and rebooting them with forward-looking functionality as the world’s first hardware tracker, deftly designed as an easy-to-use compact standalone workstation with immediacy and simplicity at its creative core, and aiding artists with forging unique avenues of sonic construction to boot — starting from today…

The portable Polyend Tracker features a large screen, ergonomic keyboard, and a big knob for fast and easy navigation.

Polyend Tracker

It includes a sampler, wavetable or granular synthesizer and FM Radio, alongside a powerful step sequencer and song arranger.

Performance mode lets you creatively break, mangle, and augment your patterns when playing live. Bidirectional MIDI lets you play with other software and hardware.

Polyend Tracker is available to pre-order for 499 EUR / $599 USD.

More information: Polyend