Eiosis has released version 1.1 of E²Deesser, a de-esser plug-in for the Mac.
E²Deesser version 1.1 brings a variable lookahead delay, which allows getting very smooth responses and unprecedented processing transparency for a de-esser. The lookahead value is adjusted according to the detection and latency parameters, while keeping fixed plugin latency for the host automatic delay compensation.
The sibilants attacks can be then perfectly detected without using a low response parameter, i.e. fast attack and release behaviors. Thus you can obtain a very smooth and transparent de-essing process : even with extreme sibilant reduction, the voice always sounds natural, without any abruptness or “lisp” effect.
E²Deesser is available in Native (150 EUR) and TDM (300 EUR) formats (iLok required).
Visit Eiosis for more information.