Xenobioz has released Kruudster, a free synthesizer instrument for Windows.
Kruudster is a free Hybrid Synthesizer VST instrument plug-in for Windows with drawable low resolution waveforms.
Kruudster features
- 3 Oscillators.
- 3 LFOs.
- A Randomizer key triggered or rate controlled.
- 3 ADSRs.
- A Filter with 13 different modes, keytracking and filter mix.
- 2 Modulatable Delays of which one can be Tuned for Physical Modelling.
- 1 Arpeggiator.
- 1 Step modulator including a key triggered mode.
- PWM for all waveforms.
- Waveform Morphing and FM.
- 128 presets.
Kruudster for Windows (VST) is available to download as freeware.
More information: Xenobioz / Kruudster