John Proctor has updated Scanned Synth to version 0.9.5.
You might want to check this comprehensive manual (PDF) since Scanned Synth has many parameters that may need explanation.
Updated since v0.9.2
- 0.9.3
- Fixed bug caused by hosts returning VST directory in different formats (and some not at all)
- 0.9.4
- Moved GUI files into separate directory to the plugin
- Made plugin get GUI directory from the registry only
- 0.9.5
- Changed settings so that reverb functions correctly
- Rebuilt in VC++ with floating point optimisations (now much smaller and more efficient)
- Fixed error with removing plugin from host (this should fix problems with Sonar)
- Fixed “Reverb On/Off” parameter so that it actually switches reverb on and off
I should actually point out that the Scanned Synth releases have expiration dates (currently 31st Jan 2007). The synth will probably go commercial upon release of v1.0
Visit Humanoid Sound Systems for more information and a link to download the latest version of Scanned Synth.