Applied Acoustics Systems has announced the release of an update to its powerful yet simple ecosystem for exploration, experimentation, creation, learning, and fun.

A thematic update dedicated to pitch and dynamics, version 2.2 of the Multiphonics CV‑2 modular synthesizer comes with 5 new cutting−edge modules: Pitch Detector, Pitch Shifter, Envelope Follower, RMS Extractor, and a useful A÷BxC arithmetic module. The update also includes 30 new factory synthesizer and effects patches highlighting these new modules.

“With these additions to our modular library, our aim was to broaden the scope of the FX version which was introduced with Multiphonics CV-2” says Benoit Charland, lead product manager at Applied Acoustics Systems,

“These new modules were specifically designed to create volume and pitch effects such as compressors, expanders, limiters, auto-filters, tracking filters, auto-tuning, harmonizers, and pitch shifters. They open up a whole new world of creative possibilities as is showcased in the new patches which we had a lot of fun creating for this update in collaboration with sound designer and long-time collaborator Adam Pietruskzo.“.

The update is free for Multiphonics CV‑2 users. New customers can purchase the plugin at a discounted price of $99 USD (regular $149 USD), or as part of a bundle with 3 sound expansion packs for $129 USD instead of $199 USD.

The offer is available at the Applied Acoustics Systems store and from distributor Plugin Boutique until May 13th, 2024.