Audio Mind Project has announced its Black November promotion, offering all soundsetsat a 30% discount, and all bundles are 40% off their regular prices during November.
Black November
- FM8 Experience (180 sounds) – $18.99 instead of $27.99.
- Pure Energy for DCAM: Synth Squad vol. 1 (177 sounds) – $17.50 instead of $24.99.
- Pure Energy for DCAM: Synth Squad vol. 2 (100 sounds) – $9.99 instead of $14.99.
- V-Station Virtual Reality (144 sounds) – $9.99 instead of $14.99.
- Pure Energy for DCAM: Synth Squad vol. 1 & 2 (277 sounds total) – $23.99 instead of $39.98 separately.
- FM8 Experience + Pure Energy for DCAM: Synth Squad vol. 1 & 2 (457 sounds total) – $39.99 instead of $67.97 separately.
Audio demos and further descriptions are available on the website.
More information: Audio Mind Project