Audiotechracy has announced the release of the Rock and Metal drums ReFill, a free sound library for Propellerhead Reason.
To get around the usual pit falls of drawing a drum track with a mouse I have completely avoided that and sampled some Rock and Metal drum tracks directly. I have sourced myself some isolated drum takes and cut these down into loops that are beat matched and synced perfectly.
I have used a noise gate to remove most of the mic bleed from the studio sessions and also the added digital reverb and natural reverb from the original recording as much as possible. This leaves you with around 170 free, dry loops to use in your tracks.
I have then divided these up into the sub folders of ‘Classic Thrash’, ‘Dark Breakdown’, ‘High Tempo Thrash’, ‘Nu Factory’, ‘Power Groove’, ‘Punk Drums’ and two sets of straight ahead rock samples.You can drop these wave files straight into any DAW you have that will accept the .wav format and play around with them as you wish.
Some people will be quite happy manually tempo syncing and beat matching these loops to their projects, however if you are a bit less confident about your ability to work with samples in this manner I have also converted them all into REX files for you!
The ReFill is a free download at Audiotechracy.
More information: Audiotechracy / Rock and Metal drums ReFill