Bela D Media is giving its subscribers access to Kontakt demos, free resources, announcements, and special discounts.
All demo files are exclusively available for our subscribers and represent a small portion of the full version product. We hope these demo files will assist you in making an informed decision about your purchase.
Currently available for audition:
- BDM V Pad Pro Volume 1.
- BDM V Pad Pro Volume 2.
- BDM Vocal Tools THEA.
- BDM Vocal Tools Enchantress.
Gain access by signing up for the subscriber section.
Additionally, users can use promo code DEMO at the checkout to save 5% on an initial purchase after auditioning any demo file. Plus, receive a second product for free of equal or lesser value. To claim your free product, contact Bela D Media after your first purchase.
More information: Bela D Media