Plugin Boutique has announced an exclusive sale on two of Boz Digital Labs’ audio plugins, offering up to 80% off on the regular price for a limited time.

Big Clipper is what you get when you take a clipper and inject it with growth hormones, and then add a little extra MSG on top.

Clipping is a great way to transparently control the peaks of your tracks. When done subtly, clipping will make compressors and reverb sound more natural down the line, and give your mix an overall cohesive feel. But clippers have one glaring issue: They really fall apart when you push them too hard.

There seems to be a very thin line between adding cohesion and breaking apart into a distorted mess. That’s where Big Clipper comes in. Big Clipper gives you the controls to be able to push it hard without breaking apart. Whether you need subtle clipping or heavy overdrive, Big Clipper handles it with ease.

Big Beautiful Door is like no other dynamics processor. It takes a completely fresh approach to EQ and dynamics, and packages it in a way that just makes sense.

Big Beautiful door is what you get when an EQ and a Gate make a baby together. Then, right when the baby comes out, you inject it with a few doses of steroids. Seriously, this thing is so powerful and is really easy to use.

This is not a one trick pony. This does everything from ducking your bass when your kick hits, to acting as the world’s most powerful vocal EQ. Big Beautiful Door opens up a whole new world of creativity and streamlines your workflow like no other dynamics plugin.

The plugins are available for only £24.95 GBP / $29 USD each until September 11th, 2020.

More information: Boz Digital Labs