Bitwig has announced the release of beta version of the latest update to its music production software.

Version 5.2 of Bitwig Studio comes with various new features and improvements, including 3 hardware-inspired EQs (Focus, Sculpt, and Tilt), precise editing and navigation features for keyboard & mouse, improved beat detection, graphic hardware acceleration that makes the GUI pop, plugin undo, a new clipper, Grid modules, and more.

The update also includes a brand new professional compressor that brings a unique approach to dynamics.

Bitwig Studio 5 2 Compressor plus

Compressor+ is an all-in-one compressor for any use case. Coupling familiar controls with unusual ones and a superior approach to analyzing audio make it ready for any task, from adding color and tone to mastering.

A Character menu provides a range of compression styles in one device. Six total options include the gentle Smooth, a mix buss-friendly Glue, and a harmonic-producing Smash. And an Auto Timing parameter tunes your chosen Character to best match the incoming signal.

Beta testing of Bitwig Studio 5.2 starts now. Users with an active Upgrade Plan will find the installers in their user profile.

The upgrade is free for all customers with an active Upgrade Plan as of today (April 25th, 2024). The final release is scheduled for this summer.

More information: Bitwig