BLEASS has announced an update to its unique and powerful waveshaping tool for desktop and iOS that harnesses the limitless flexibility of wavetables to unleash sumptuously smooth saturations, disgracefully dirty distortions, and maximally mad mashups.

Version 1.2 of Fusion now offers a hard clip to avoid peaks when adjusting the parameters. Additionally, the import of wavetables within iOS has been updated to allow copy pasting within the Apple Files App.

BLEASS has designed Fusion to be one of the – if not the – most versatile and adaptable distortion and saturation plugins available today, able to completely change its entire tone and character in an instant. The magic comes from the way in which wavetables define the sonic results of processing, and so empower the plugin with the versatility to satisfy your every sonically-destructive whim.

BLEASS Fusion for Windows and Mac (VST3/AU) is available to purchase at Plugin Boutique and from the BLEASS store for 19.99 USD/EUR. The iOS version is $9.99 USD at the App Store.