Bogren Digital has released a new collection of guitar amp simulation plugins that lets users add the signature tones of the Grammy-nominated metal band Trivium to their own productions.

Covering rhythm, lead, and bass guitars, the 3 plugins of the Trivium Ampknob Bundle aim to bring Trivium’s crushingly powerful and intensely precise sound to your productions.

The plugins were developed by producer Jens Bogren in close collaboration with Trivium’s axe-wielders Matt Heafy, Corey Beaulieu, and Paolo Gregoletto.

This ensures that the Trivium Ampknob Bundle meets the band’s high standards, delivers precisely the sound the band wants, and that the three plugins work nicely together to create a powerful effect.

  • Trivium Ampknob Rhythm: This rhythm guitar monster offers a broad range of terrific tones and yet maintains a straightforward interface. The amp has been crafted with Matt and Corey’s ultra-precise riffing in mind and provides an extremely tight low end that never muddies up those fast chugs.
  • Trivium Bassknob: Paolo Gregoletto prefers a bright bass tone that lets string noise and snarl poke through the wall of guitars while still delivering an uncompromisingly solid low-frequency foundation. The Trivium Bassknob has been designed to deliver just that.
  • Trivium Ampknob Lead: Built from the ground up for blistering leads and soaring melody parts, the Trivium Ampknob Lead delivers a tonal character that makes your guitar solos sit right on top of the rhythm guitars.

Available in VST3, AU and AAX plugin formats and as standalone software for Windows and Mac, the plugins are priced $49 USD each, while the bundle of all 3 is $98 USD at Plugin Boutique and from the Bogren Digital website.