Audio Plugin Deals has launched a two-week promotion on Apogee Digital’s phase alignment and manipulation effect plugin developed in collaboration with legendary mastering engineer Bob Clearmountain.
Offered at a 50% discount, Clearmountain’s Phases aims to help you achieve unparalleled sonic clarity, depth, and dimension.
Clearmountain’s Phases brings you the sounds of classic flanger and phaser processors used by Bob Clearmountain. The plugin adds expanded settings modules, so you can replicate Bob’s advanced workflow.
Apogee Digital (formally known as Apogee Electronics) is a well-respected American manufacturer of professional audio equipment.
Clearmountain’s Phases is on sale for $74.50 USD until September 3rd, 2024. The plugin comes in VST/VST3, AU and AAX formats for Windows and Mac.
More information: Audio Plugin Deals
Ulp! How much!