Isotonik Studios has announced the release of a new Max for Live device by Dillon Bastan.

Redefining sampling through cutting-edge concatenative techniques and machine learning, Coalescence organizes samples into clusters based on chosen spectral features, unleashing creative possibilities.

Coalescence is a MaxForLive Instrument that combines concatanative sampling together with a neural network. Coalescence takes multiple samples (up to 2000) and analyzes them and feeds slices of the samples into the neural network (an SOM) which organizes the samples into a 2D map of cells, which you can see visualized as little circles. The device plays around with this organization of sound slices using three different playback modes: Point, Rings, and Paths.

Available for Ableton Live 10 (Suite or Standard with Max for Live), Coalescence is priced £30 GBP incl. VAT.

More information: Dillon Bastan