U.S.O. has recently release a new sound effects library developed by Matteo Milani. With a unique blend of real recordings and synthesized sounds, Cosmic Charges offers a versatile palette for cutting-edge sound design.

The library contain the sounds of electric guitar and percussion elements created in collaboration with proficient musicians. Each sound available in both a full stereo mix and as isolated tracks for layering.

This collection represents a major advancement in our commitment to crafting distinctive audio assets that that reinvent our approach to sound design. “COSMIC CHARGES” uniquely specializes in tonal blasts and impacts, each thoughtfully created from the ground up to ensure unmatched creativity and originality in your projects.

Designed to enrich a variety of media, such as video games, films, TV series, and more, each sound in “COSMIC CHARGES” integrates musical elements, providing a unique sonic identity that can intensify emotional resonance, enhance dynamics, and add richness to your works.

The sound library is available in various editions, starting from $69 USD. Check the blog at A Sound Effect for more details on the creation of Cosmic Charges.

More information: A Sound Effect