Cycling ’74 has announced the Universal Jitter Event, a special opportunity for everyone to adopt Jitter.
From now until January 19, we’ve knocked $100 off the price of Max/MSP/Jitter bundle and all Jitter upgrades. Visit our Shop for more details. With the new Vizzie modules and this limited time offer, it’s never been easier to get into Jitter.
The newly released Vizzie is a collection of simple modules, which allow you to almost instantly have a VJ rig or interactive video work, complete with real-time effects.
With the latest version of Max/MSP and Jitter, we are including a new set of modules called VIZZIE to help you create your own unique video programs right away. VIZZIE makes putting it together fun and gets you from start to finish in record time.
Vizzie is included in Max 5.1.7 (or later), and is free for existing Max/MSP/Jitter 5 owners. For new users, Max features a 30-day demo to experience the Vizzie magic.
More information: Cycling ’74