Decent Samples has announced the release of a new sample library featuring the lush chorus of a 12-string Mandolin from Germany.

There are two sample libraries within. There’s the “natural” version, which is a faithful recording of the Mandriola with its original, East German, strings.

And then there’s a “Reconstructed” version of the sample library. For this sample library, we put a fresh set of strings on the instrument, but recorded each string separately. We then used the plug-in to play three strings at once. This approach allows us to determine the level of detune on the three strings. It also allows us to pan the three strings individual, which gives a stereo chorus effect that is (of course) impossible to achieve on the original instrument.

Mandriola is free to download. It runs in the Decent Sampler, which is also free.

More information: Decent Samples