DETUNIZED.COM has released DTS005 – TRON 5, a new sample library for Ableton Live.
The russian Elektronika EM-5 comes green and heavy like a battle tank but when taking a look closer it is more like a cancer. Protected by a 25 KG steel body it soon reveals its vulnerability. But once the cheap plastic keys, some transistors and other bowels had been fixed the Elektronika rewarded us with some lovely keyboard sounds not far from the Clavinet and a string section.
With the Tron-5 extension we have preserved these nice original sounds but also demonstrate that the original CAN sound like a tank. Among other things we added an adjustable suboctave and the distinctive key-off noise that is inherent to this keyboard.
As a very special feature the Tron-5 extension includes some lightweight versions of the original sounds. So this extension can also be played on netbooks and older computers with nearly the same comfort.
DTS005 – TRON 5 features
- Instruments: 8 Pianos, 4 String Sections, 4 Netbook Instruments.
- FX-Units: 1 (Channel Strip).
- Keyrange: full (C-2 to G8).
- No.of Samples: 322 (24 Bit, 44,1 kHz).
- Download Size: approx. 135 MB.
- Installation instruction included.
DTS005 – TRON 5 is available for purchase as an instant download for €6.98 EUR. DETUNIZED subscribers pay €4.98 EUR.
More information: DETUNIZED.COM