SampleScience has launched a 24-hour flash sale on its versatile instrument that brings the resonant tones of an upright acoustic piano.

On sale at a 60% discount, Drone Piano offers 3 distinct variations of the same piano sound for a diverse sonic experience.

The first variation features seamless drone loops crafted from the tail end of the piano samples for a continuous, ambient sound. The second variation is the looped piano, where the decaying sound is looped seamlessly, creating subtle and sustained tones. The third variation presents the original piano sound in its pure form, complete with its natural decay.

With the release of version 2, Drone Piano now includes an additional 10 acoustic piano drones, expanding your creative possibilities.

Drone Piano for Windows and Mac (VST/VST3, AU) is on sale for $12 USD with promo code AMBIENTKEYS at the checkout (regular $30 USD). It is also available in Kontakt and Decent Sampler formats.

More information: SampleScience / Drone Piano