ELPHNT has announced an update to NTPD, a Max for Live device that offers a notepad with some useful features.

NTPD is an elegant way to store notes directly in your Ableton Live sessions. It’s simple and easy to use but has some really useful features, like the ability to open a resizable floating note, change the colour of different notes to easily tell them apart and even the ability to automate the timing of the floating note to appear at particular points in the timeline.

Use NTPD to store ideas, session info, notes about synth patches, reminders or whatever else you can imagine, and its all right there in your Live Set.

NTPD features

  • Pop up notes into a resizable floating window so that your notes remain visible, even when switching to a different track.
  • Change the colour of individual notes to easily tell your different notes apart at a glance.
  • Adjust the text size to make your notes more visible, perhaps during the heat of a live set.
  • Automate the timing of the pop up note so you can have notes appear at certain points in the timeline or when a specific Clip is triggered.

NTPD is available for $10 USD. Use coupon code rekkerd at checkout to save 25% off! It is also available as part of the MAXFORLIVE and EVRYTHNG bundles.

A free version called NTPD Lite is available as well. It is a fully functional device in its own right, lacking a few features compared to the full version.

More information: ELPHNT