Daniel Gergely has updated his free real-time granular effect plugin.

Version 0.0.3 of Emergence adds true stereo processing, grain pitch quantization, and new random modulators with frequency and probability controls.

This plugin is a real-time granulator. It continuously records the input signal into a buffer. The content of the buffer is played back as many short pieces of sound called grains. Up to 600 grains can be generated in 4 streams, each having it’s own set of parameters that control grain generation.

A single grain is not that interesting. The most exciting things happen when hundreds of overlapping grains play together, creating anything from complex delay patterns to strange noises to beautiful layered soundscapes.

Changes in Emergence v0.3.0

  • Audio: True stereo processing, both input channels are kept for dry and buffer signals.
  • Audio: Add Balance knob for each stream to control which input channel is played by the grains.
  • UI: Improve waveform drawing.
  • UI: Add buttons to quantize grain pitch.
  • Modulation: Add frequency and probability controls for random modulators.
  • Modulation: Add an additional random modulator.

Emergence is available to download in VST3/AU formats for macOS and Windows at KVR Audio.