Engine DJ has announced the latest update to its DJ software/operating system for Denon DJ and Numark’s standalone hardware and devices. Version 3.1 brings a number of new features and enhancements.

“We’re absolutely thrilled with the new features of Engine DJ 3.1 – this is one of the most significant Engine DJ releases we’ve put out so far,” says Morgan Donoghue, Vice President of Global Marketing at parent company inMusic.

“It’s exciting to also announce that Engine DJ 3.1 will be the inbuilt software for the upcoming Denon DJ PRIME 4+, a brand-new embedded DJ system to be released on June 29. This 4-channel standalone controller highlights all of Engine DJ 3.1’s great new features and also comes with Wi-Fi music streaming from platforms including Amazon Music.”

Changes in Engine DJ v3.1

  • Touch FX for hands-on audio manipulation.
  • Over 25 new and enhanced Main FX for Denon DJ hardware.
  • Smartlists for automatic rule-based playlist creation.
  • Sampler routing to channels or Main output.
  • Ability to apply FX to a specific frequency range.

The update is free to download from the Engine DJ website.

More information: Engine DJ