Full Bucket Music has released a new synthesizer instrument that is inspired by Sequential Circuits’ classic synthesizer from 1984.

Being the very first multi-timbral synthesizer, it offered a new way to record at home – a bold step beyond! The Six-Trak’s impact on the music community and industry cannot be underestimated.

In my younger days I always wanted to have this machine. Six different tracks (albeit monophonic) simultaneously available from a single device were pure luxury. But it came with a price, and that was usability. Today, I would not have the patience to work with the original hardware (nor its successor, the Multi-Track), but in the 80s the world was different…

I never got a Six-Trak – although it was rather cheap at the time, it still was to expensive for me. That (and because Nostalgia overwhelmed me) is the reason why I recreated the Six-Trak here in software.

Six-Traq features

  • Close simulation of the original hardware.
  • Extended Poly/Multi modes, up to 96 voices polyphony.
  • Oscillator with three waveforms, additional white noise generator.
  • Classic self-resonating four-pole lowpass filter.
  • Individual envelopes for oscillator, filter and amplifier.
  • Onboard sequencer and arpeggiator.
  • SysEx import/export.
  • Supports MTS-ESP by ODDSound dynamic micro-tuning.
  • Resizable user interface (not “N” version).
  • MIDI Learn – all parameters can be controlled by MIDI CC.

The synth plugin is available to download for Windows and Mac (VST2/VST3, AU, AAX and CLAP).

More information: Full Bucket Music