GTG Synths MX2008

GTG Synths has released GTG MX2008, a freeware VST instrument for Windows PC.

GTG MX2008 features

  • 3x Osc synth with 3 LFO’s:
    • LFO 1 can be set to either internal or host tempo sync using the INT/TMP button. The host tempo division factor is set using the button next to it. When the INT mode is used the lfo speed is set using the RATE display.
    • LFO 2 is a free-running modulator, and LFO 3 cyclus is synced to key-on.
    • LFO 3 : The R1/R2 switch changes the range of the pitch modulation of osc 2, so it can be used
      for either hard-sync modulation ( press the SYNC button in the OSC section ) or small-range vibrato.
      The dash/step – button next to the R1/R2 switch alternates between smooth and stepped modulation.
  • Stepped modulation, Pitch Envelope.
  • Chorus and Delay and a Fat filter with High Pass Control.

Interface note : Some displays/buttons work like push-buttons, some by click-and-drag.

Visit GTG Synths for more information.