VST Buzz has launched a deal on a sample library collection comprising Shreddage and Shreddage Bass, available at a 50% discount for a limited time.

Shreddage was designed to be the most realistic and flexible electric guitar sound for rock and metal. Combined with its expansion Shreddage X, you get a full range of articulations from palm and aggressive mutes to powerchords, vibrato, harmonics, pinch squeals, pick scrapes, neck slides, portamento slides, chordstops, and much more

Shreddage Bass is a pure, powerful bass guitar library suitable for floor-crumbling, core-shaking and mammoth riding. Features a killer, flexible DI tone straight from a Music Man Sterling that is perfect for rock and metal, as well as jazz, disco, electronica or even pop.

Both libraries come in SFZ format (compatible with the free Sforzando player by Plogue), as well as Kontakt (full version required). The bundle includes the cross-platform ReValver HPse virtual amp plugin by Peavey, complete with custom Shreddage presets; plus, all HPse users get discounted upgrades to ReValver HP and MKIII.V!

The Impact Soundworks Bundle is available from VST Buzz for $58 USD until July 9th, 2013 (regular $118 USD).

More information: VST Buzz – Sadly, VST Buzz has shut down. Visit Plugin Boutique or Audio Plugin Deals to check for current deals on plugins and sound libraries.