J1000 has announced the release of PKS1, a free peak shaper effect plugin for Windows.

J1000 pks1

PKS1 is actually a waveshaper with threshold where peaks start being shaped according to the selected curve. Positive and negative phase have separate thresholds allowing asymmetric shaping.

This kind of processing is suitable for short peaks that are hard for compressor to catch without creating unwanted pumping effect.

PKS1 features

  • Full-range, low-passed and high-passed modes of operation.
  • Independent thresholds for positive and negative phase.
  • Three types of shaping curve: I (mild), II (medium), III (strong).
  • Double waveform scope for comparison of dry and wet signals.
  • Automatic anti-aliasing filter on higher sample rates (88.2 kHz, 96 kHz).
  • 32-bit internal precision with zero latency and very low CPU consumption.

PKS1 is available as a free download for Windows (VST).

More information: J1000